We are organizing a workshop on Skill Learning and Interactive Music Technology prior to the NIME 2017 Conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) on May 15 in Copenhagen.

Organizers are: Baptiste Caramiaux, Marcelo Wanderley, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Ana Tajadura Jimenez, and Andrew McPherson.

Workshop website (call, program etc.): nime2017skills.netlify.com
Conference website: nime2017.org

Abstract: The fast advances of computer and sensor technologies have led researchers and artists to develop new opportunities for human expression through the design of novel digital musical instruments (DMIs) and interactive sound systems. One of the most critical challenges faced by designers, researchers and practitioners has been to account for learning expertise through their instruments or systems. It is indeed far from obvious how performers could develop expert skills in novel DMIs or how one could design DMIs that would facilitate complex motor skill learning, but also how interactive sound systems could generally benefit human learning, human development and well-being. In this workshop we aim to bring together researchers, designers, and artists in order to better understand what are the issues underlying the challenge of learning through interactive music technology. Its immediate is to identify key research questions, suitable computational tools and methods to support this research.


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